mod request(japanese straw hat)

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mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by deldero » Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:59 am

so...i have watched youtube videos and learnd how to import models, so i messed around with blender and made the shape of the straw hat by flaterning a cone,incriesed the scale so it would have the right size, then added the straw texture, but no matter what i cant load it into the game, yes i know the xml file and everything, i rivised it the entire night and i cound't find the problem.

Since even i was able to made a straw hat(and i am not a modder)i tought it wound't be such a huge request.

can somene make it?

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by Endoperez » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:21 am

So... Would you rather

1) get your version working & learn to make mod-items for Overgrowth, or

2) get a Japanese straw hat in the game?

If 1, please post descriptions of the XML file and what you tried, and how it didn't work.

If 2, please post a reference image to the sort of straw hat you want to be made. I'm of half a mind to troll you with a straw hat with cat ears. :mrgreen:


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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by deldero » Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:19 am

hahaha xD i loved the hat, sure i can send you what i tried to do, but trying to help me via messeges can become exausthing and boring, i will send some pictures
this is the thing i tried to do, only the hat,
this is the thing i tried to do, only the hat,
straw hat example.jpg (28.76 KiB) Viewed 2796 times
the texture is in .png
the texture is in .png
this is the obj reference
this is the obj reference
this is during its production
this is during its production

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by Endoperez » Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:40 pm

The #, ( or ) symbol in the file path might break things, depending on how OG handles text. Spaces in the folder name are probably okay, but the developers avoid using those, so that might be a problem as well.

Other than that, it looks like it should work – at least well enough to work in Overgrowth if you add it through the "Load object - Browse..." option. It's not going to show up in the menus, but you probably knew that, I'm trying to think of all the possible reasons for why it wouldn't work.

Maybe try renaming '#12 (my projects)' to 'deldero' and changing the XML files. Also, you should also post the error message, if that doesn't fix it.

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by deldero » Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:56 pm

ok i did what you told, its still not showing up, i am searching trough the files,not the ingame menu like you pointed,i dont know what i did wrong,the problem is that it doenst show up when i am searchin for it, i am lookin at other modders files, and i spoted some diferences, but i dont know if they are relevant.
does this matter.png

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by Endoperez » Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:18 pm

PNG and TGA don't matter. Overgrowth reads both of those image formats, and both are fine for textures.

The other stuff is fine too. You have different shader stuff than the other items you checked, but it's all stuff that exists in Overgrowth and is used by other items.

Shaders, in case you're not aware, are different ways to calculate light and shadow, and reflections, and transparency, and all that jazz. A plant shader in OG is transparent and moves slightly "in the wind". A cubemap shader reflects the world and uses "tangent" type normalmap, while a cubemapobj does the same but uses an "object" type normal map. That's complicated math and doesn't matter, it should still at least show up in the game.

Since you're not seeing file extensions, perhaps you've saved the file as a "txt" and not as an "xml"? If you're using Notepad, IIRC you can do it by writing the name of the file, INCLUDING the dot and the file extensions, inside quotes "". Like so:
Notepad_and_xmls.png (2.21 KiB) Viewed 2779 times
It's in Finnish, but should be clear enough any way. Without the quote marks, it'd save the file as RabbitPack.xml.txt , where the file format is txt and the name includes '.xml' .

If you want to do modding stuff, it might be worth it to see how to make file extensions of known file types visible.

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by deldero » Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:48 pm

ok i donwloaded the notepad++, and renamed it, and then this happend.

i will try to use the overgrowth default basket texture and see what happens.

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by Endoperez » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:09 pm

Cool! Yeah, it should be working now (well, at least as far as finding it and trying to put it in the game goes), and the error messages should help you get the rest of it figured out.

For a hat in Overgrowth, a square image of 512 x 512 pixels should be fine. If you want more detail, the next step would be 1024 x 1024 pixels, any more is overkill.

Next up, there's a few things you might struggle with.

Maybe the light is interacting weirdly with it. Like, it's as if light was coming from the side and down, or something weird like that. That's going to be the normalmaps. That's not something you need to immediately think about, but if you want to understand what's going on there, you can read the blog post below. To do it in Blender, look up tutorials on "baking", baking textures, baking normal maps, and the Overgrowth wiki.

If you're fine with how it looks, you might want to be able to use the hat as equipment. For that, you'll need to make a new XML file. The official items are in /Data/Items under Overgrowth installation folder, but IIRC there aren't any helmets there by default. However, until you get it working as a helmet, you can always put it on someone's arm and pretend it's a shield. :D
I did one helmet once, but that was a long time ago and it was really finicky to get that working at all, there's probably a better way and you're better off asking about it.

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by deldero » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:25 pm

somnthing is wrong, instead of loading a straw hat, it loads the whaleman instead, with the straw texture...i dont even.....what?....what did i did wrong now? f*ck me

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by Endoperez » Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:02 pm

deldero wrote:somnthing is wrong, instead of loading a straw hat, it loads the whaleman instead, with the straw texture...i dont even.....what?....what did i did wrong now? f*ck me
Whaleman is a placeholder model that is used when Overgrowth either can't find the model file you specified, OR, it can find the file but can't read it.

Double-check the paths. If they are correct, you might want to re-check your exporting settings. You use Blender, right? on the OBJ Export screen, check the boxes for "selection only", and "triangulate faces".

If you export selection only, you don't export the other cube, any lights or cameras you might have in the scene, etc. Only the hat (which should also be the only thing you have selected when exporting).
The "triangulate faces" does the same thing as choosing to triangulate faces in the edit mode. All polygons are changed into triangles. Your hat's bottom face, a circle with... about 32 vertices? Any way, if it's 32-sided polygon, Overgrowth doesn't know what to do with it. If it's a few dozen triangles that combine to create the exact same shape, suddenly, OG recognizes it.

I'm off for the night. Don't worry too much about it, there's all sorts of hurdles. The good thing is, once you've figured it out once, it's much easier to do it again, so you might try your hand at making a few more OG props.

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by deldero » Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:03 pm


holy shit, after 19 hours i finely got it right, i coundt have done it without you, thank you,
i am tired as fuck xD

i now only need to learn how to make it hollow, and the rest you already said, like the lighting etc...


now if you excuse me
i got it, FUCKIN FINELY.
i got it, FUCKIN FINELY.

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Re: mod request(japanese straw hat)

Post by Constance » Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:10 pm

Good job, not a lot of people have that kind of patience.
It's the first step to modding Overgrowth. That and loving file paths.

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